Counselling & Psychotherapy Private Practice
Suite 2 & 5, 34 Castle Street, Liverpool. England
L2 0NR.
Tel: 0151 236 3002

People seek counselling for many different life experiences, or sometimes just to take stock and explore where they are up to in their life. Over the past 22 years I have supported clients presenting with a wide range of issues that happen in life. Some of the areas I am experienced in are listed below:-
➢ Depression & Low Mood
➢ Suicidal thoughts and feelings
➢ Anxiety & Stress (including mindfulness based stress reduction)
➢ Workplace Stress
➢ Bullying
➢ Fear/Panic
➢ Bereavement and Loss
➢ Traumatic events
➢ Sexual Trauma
➢ Racism
➢ Racial Identity
➢ Cultural Issues
➢ Health Issues
➢ Relationship & Family problems, Couples work​
➢ Eating problems
➢ Working with clients on the Autistic Spectrum
➢ Sexuality
➢ Transgender
➢ Abortion
➢ Spirituality
➢ Change & transition
➢ Personal Development
➢ Congruence & Authenticity
➢ A search for Meaning & Purpose
➢ Life Review
My therapy practice is inclusive and open to adults from all walks of life.
If you are a student who is facing challenging and distressing circumstances, and then find yourself on an exceptionally long waiting list to access therapy in your University Counselling Service, you may benefit from coming to see me. I am highly experienced in working within the student context, and have extensive knowledge of the support available, I can also contact tutors on your behalf if appropriate.
Supervision of Counsellors and Helping Professionals:
I have over 15 years experience as a Supervisor of both fully qualified and trainee counsellors. I am passionate about encouraging a counsellor's development and facilitating their growth and aim to create a trustworthy and supportive environment where supervisees can feel safe to share their client work and where we can explore challenges, blind spots, vulnerabilities and celebrate success, whilst working within the BACP Ethical Framework. If you are a trainee counsellor fees include writing competency reports.
Professional Development & Other Services
Over the past 22 years, I have completed many professional development training sessions and longer courses, including the following:
➢ I hold a qualification in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and have provided this service both in groups and individually to witnesses and survivors of critical incidents and terrorist attacks.
➢ After completing a Train The Trainer Course in Suicide Prevention, I have provided many Suicide Prevention workshops both in Higher Education and the Public & Voluntary Sectors.
➢ I am a skilled group facilitator and offer group supervision and personal development groups
Main Training & Qualifications:
2010-2014: Bangor University CMRP (Masters Level)
PG Dip: Mindfulness Based Approaches (including Mindfulness Based Approaches to Therapy)
2009-2010: University of East Anglia - PG Dip: Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy
2008-2009: University of Manchester - PG Cert: The Supervision of Counsellors and Helping Professionals
2003 – Nottinghamshire NHS Trust: Centre For Trauma Studies – Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
2001: Person Centred Connections: Person Centred Group Facilitation
2001: PCCS Manchester: Advanced Person-Centred Practise
1998-2000: PCCS Manchester - Person Centred Counselling Diploma (BACP Accredited)
• Initial 30 minute phone consultation – no charge
• Counselling for individuals: £75.00 - per 1 hour session
• Counselling for Couples: £90.00 - per 1 hour session
• Supervision: £95.00 - per 1.5 hours
Reductions for Counselling and Supervision are available for people on low incomes; Trainee Counsellors; Volunteers and Students.
My practice days are: Tuesdays: 8am-5.30pm & Wednesdays: 9am-4.15pm
I am registered with the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and am fully insured.
Jennifer Smith - Counsellor/Psychotherapist & Supervisor,
Dip Couns; PG Cert. Supervision. MBACP (reg)
Working with Individuals & Couples
About Me:
I am a highly skilled and experienced Client-Centred Counsellor/Psychotherapist, and also a Supervisor of Counsellors & Helping Professionals with over 24 years of experience.
In my practice I bring the qualities of a mindful & compassionate presence to the therapeutic relationship in a safe and supportive environment, I am also very experienced in working with the felt sense and the intrinsic wisdom of the body through extensive Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy & Mindfulness training.
Counselling Experience:
Initially I starting out working in the voluntary sector and the NHS over the last 21 years (Dec 1999-June 2021). I have also had the privilege of working as a full-time Counsellor & Supervisor of Counsellors in Liverpool John Moores University Counselling Service, providing many thousands of hours of individual therapy to students, service staff and academics. I have seen clients from many backgrounds and am committed to working with diversity, difference and all protective characteristics.